The 14th International Conference on Grammatical Inference—September 5-7, 2018—Wrocław, Poland
All these papers have been published in The Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Volume 93.
In addition to above-mentioned works, four extended abstracts were accepted for a short presentation at the conference and two extended abstracts—for a poster session.
Query Learning of Residual Symbolic Automata
Kaizaburo Chubachi, Diptarama Hendrian, Ryo Yoshinaka, Ayumi Shinohara
[abs] [Download PDF]
Iterative method of generating artificial context-free grammars
Olgierd Unold, Agnieszka Kaczmarek, Łukasz Culer
[abs] [Download PDF]
Performance Evaluation of Selected Variable Ordering Methods for NFA Induction
Tomasz Jastrząb
[abs] [Download PDF]
Improved Grammar Compression in Constant Space
Reimi Tanaka, Yoshimasa Takabatake, Tomohiro I, Hiroshi Sakamoto
[abs] [Download PDF]
How implicit negative evidence improve probabilistic grammar induction
Olgierd Unold, Grzegorz Rorbach
[abs] [Download PDF]
An Enhancement to CYK Algorithm for Grammar Induction
Paweł A. Ryszawa
[abs] [Download PDF]