The 14th International Conference on Grammatical Inference—September 5-7, 2018—Wrocław, Poland

ICGI2018 Accepted Papers

Makoto Kanazawa and Tobias Kappé. Decision problems for Clark-congruential languages
Florent Avellaneda and Alexandre Petrenko. Inferring DFA without Negative Examples
Roland Groz, Nicolas Bremond and Adenilso Simao. Using Adaptive Sequences for Learning Non-Resettable FSMs
Wojciech Wieczorek, Olgierd Unold and Łukasz Strąk. Suffix Classification Trees
Joshua Moerman. Learning Product Automata
Hossep Dolatian and Jeffrey Heinz. Learning reduplication with 2-way finite-state transducers
Stéphane Ayache, Rémi Eyraud and Noé Goudian. Explaining black boxes on sequential data using weighted automata
Philip Amortila and Guillaume Rabusseau. Learning Graph Weighted Models on Pictures
Mateusz Pyzik, François Coste and Witold Dyrka. How to measure the topological quality of protein parse trees?
Roman Manevich and Sharon Shoham. Inferring Program Extensions from Traces
François Coste and Jacques Nicolas. Learning local substitutable context-free languages from positive examples in polynomial time and data by reduction

All these papers have been published in The Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Volume 93.

Extended Abstracts

In addition to above-mentioned works, four extended abstracts were accepted for a short presentation at the conference and two extended abstracts—for a poster session.

Query Learning of Residual Symbolic Automata

Kaizaburo Chubachi, Diptarama Hendrian, Ryo Yoshinaka, Ayumi Shinohara

  [abs] [Download PDF]

Iterative method of generating artificial context-free grammars

Olgierd Unold, Agnieszka Kaczmarek, Łukasz Culer

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Performance Evaluation of Selected Variable Ordering Methods for NFA Induction

Tomasz Jastrząb

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Improved Grammar Compression in Constant Space

Reimi Tanaka, Yoshimasa Takabatake, Tomohiro I, Hiroshi Sakamoto

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How implicit negative evidence improve probabilistic grammar induction

Olgierd Unold, Grzegorz Rorbach

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An Enhancement to CYK Algorithm for Grammar Induction

Paweł A. Ryszawa

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